Friday, September 4, 2009


This few days keep raining, my clothes are so hard to dry. Everyday still need to put inside hostel to dry it using fan.Haiz...

My room have 4 people living inside including me, 3 Chinese 1 Malay, one of the Chinese is senior. One of my Chinese roommate, who is first year student, is very noisy, disturb I sleep only. He everyday likes to joke (about sex 1) and always make us keep laughing. He is very noisy and sometimes purposely disturb people sleep (because he scare no people accompany him if he sleep late). Today he have mid-tern exam and still haven’t study when midnight, so he keep waking me up and prevent me sleeping last night by keep calling me and telling jokes. In the end, I need to pretend sleeping and prevent laughing from his joke, then I finally can sleep (almost 2am already). This make me sleepy everyday as all of my roommate sleep very late (everyday over 12am haven’t sleep). My senior quite good and hardworking, everyday see him studying. Sometimes he go church in KF, so I can ask him help me buy food before he come back. My another Malay roommate is nice, just everyday like smoking, luckily is at outside room.

12pm now, want go for lunch already. Later go 1-Borneo with friend, haha. 1-Borneo, here I come...


我的房间有四个人住,三个华人和一个马来人,其中一个华人是学长,剩的是first year students。我房间一个first year roommate每天都很吵,常常说笑话(大部分是色情的),弄得大家一直笑。晚上他又迟睡(全部roommate都迟睡),每天还叫我别这么早睡,一直叫我醒。今天考试,昨晚还不温习,一直吵,他会一直叫“Jeffrey不要睡了,Jeffrey醒来了…”等等的话,还说色情小话弄我笑,害我不能睡(其实他也是怕没人陪他睡觉,因为可能他是最后一个睡嘛)。最后我还要装睡,还要忍着听他的笑话不能笑才能睡。我房间的学长不错,很勤劳,常常都看他学书,有时他去KF教堂就叫他帮我在附近打包。另外一个马来人也很容易沟通,只是会抽烟,每天都要抽,幸亏是在房外抽,不然会很臭。


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