Saturday, September 5, 2009

Library normal back

It is raining again when I wake up…

After listen to the talk in DKP, I go library online as usual. The library is not hot already, yeah ^^ . It is back to normal again and I am very happy about it. The library will close on 4pm, I can’t online for too long today…haiz…Puasa, so everyday will close faster.

昨晚很累,很早就睡了(前晚被roommate吵嘛)。早上醒来又是下着雨…顿时想起张宇的“雨一直下” …

早上在DKP听完讲座后,就像平常去图书馆上网。Yeah, 图书馆不热了,变得像以前一样冷了,好高兴啊^^ 图书馆要馆了,要走了…Puasa嘛,所以图书馆这个月下午比较早关。

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