Sunday, September 13, 2009

Party in CLC/ULC

Last night I still thinking want go CLC party or DOULOS. Finally, I decided to go CLC because more friends go there.

CLC party was very great. First of all, we had dinner. There were a lot of food such as curry chicken, hot dog, fruits and others. Next was songs and games, really fun ^^ . When playing halfway, suddenly the slide there informed us there were some people making mistakes, those people need to be punished. Many names appeared including me. Finally, we realised that those names were names of people that having birthday during July to December. We took photo and ate the birthday cake happily. Then, the senior started to give present to us. Before we went, Jason sang a song and it was very funny. We had a lot of fun there. At 10pm, we went back to hostel.


CLC party 真的很好玩,首先是晚餐,有很多好吃的哟~(还有水果)。接下来是唱歌和游戏,还蛮不错的。玩到一半时,突然那里的slide写着有些人犯了错误,要出来被罚。很多人的名字都在映幕上,包过我和coursemate(我的名又写错~)。原来那些人都是这下半年生日的(七月到12月),所以就庆祝生日,我们切了蛋糕就分来吃(幸亏昨晚有去,不然错过了,而且我在沙巴七月生日没人帮我庆祝,所以幸好我没去错地方)。接着,学姐就分礼物给那些在这下半年生日的人(每人得到一把伞子,说这很好用)。然后,Jason学长出来唱歌,整首歌都唱得走音,好好笑哟!在那里有说有笑,到了10点,我们便回去了。好开心 :)

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