Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Solar cooker mini project

I just informed that next Monday have midterm for Dr. Harry class.
Next Tuesday have solar cooking competition too.
Recently, we have a mini project,
which is making a solar cooker/oven.
Our class divided into 10 groups and my group have 8 members.
Next Tuesday we need to submit the final product for Dr Harry see.
We will having a solar cooking competition too
and see which group can cook fastest, omg.
I like his lecture because he teaches without
saying exact things coming from his slide.
He let us gain information, and
encourage us to logical thinking.
I won't feel bored or sleepy in this class
but it is quite hard to score for his exam
because his exam is base on logical thinking.
If you want know about solar cooker, just google it.
But we need to make solar cooking device different from seniors
and cannot same as what can be found in internet.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Solar Friend, I hope your project on solar cooking went well. Solar cooking is a great way to cook. It helps the earth and it helps people. Solar ovens are easy and cheap to build. Plus the food tastes really good too.
