Monday, October 11, 2010

EXPO APK and International Chess Competition

Last week busy with EXPO APK. Just now we had a meeting. Luckily, at least we earned a little bit of money from selling choco fruit. However, I spend quite a lot of money at EXPO APK because my friends asking me to buy their products too...Tamu Gadang also happening now and whenever I go there, I spend quite a lot too for the food~

Last weekend busy with Timbalan Naib Canselor International Chess Competition. From friday night, all the AJK need to arrange the table and chair at DKP. We just realised that it is quite tired to arrange so many tables and chairs, especially those who arrange tables and chairs for us for the final exam. Around 11pm, we just finished arrange all the things and we walked back. By 11.45pm, I just reached my room. The next day, I need to wake up at 6am and walked to DKP actually. Luckily, Voon fetched me to DKP because I was asked to help him to carry the fruits to our APK stall. Whole day of Saturday and Sunday just busy with the competition. At least, we got a free T-shirt ^^

VIP dinner

VIP food that I order~

VIP food (tasty?)


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